Friday, July 16, 2010

Economic Observations Local

Writing this when its 90 Degrees in Summit County, there are several nuances to be highlighted. This is the first year in the last 30 that Lake Dillon has been full and there are no boats on moorings in the Town of Dillon and there are windmills on the top of light poles at the Frisco Marina. I-70 is totally jammed with cars coming up from the Front Range with people trying to get just a taste of the cool beauty that is Summit County.

Dillon has no boats on moorings because for the first time in Dillon's history there are not enough people who can afford to put their boat on the lake. The Town of Frisco, however, has hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend money on windmills designed for really windy places. And yet, the people of the Front Range have not lost sight of the fact that Summit County is the place to be.

Stay tuned. When things equalize out in the economy, Summit County is the place that people will want to be. There are people flooding into Summit County right now by the 10's of thousands just for this weekend.

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